The Seven-Leaf Clover overrides magnificence's effect on chests found in chest rooms.Lament Configurum increases magnificence even though it is a tier item.Heart of Ice does not increase magnificence even if found in a red chest.Basic heart container items, such as Heart Holster and Heart Purse do not increase magnificence, even if found in a red chest.Most of the time it doesn't matter, since opening a rare chest and picking up the item increases magnificence anyway, but it may be relevant for and tier active items which may not be beneficial to take. If there's still an unopened rare chest on the level, the boss reward, room clear reward chests, and shop selection (generated on entry) suffer from the increased downgrade penalty.If the reward is downgraded, the quality of the item or chest is rerolled with the same chance distribution as before, but without the chances of it being or quality, resulting in a chest or item of, , or quality. The first few values for the formula are: If the number is above 0, the chance that the reward quality is downgraded rises logarithmically. Magnificence and chest magnificence are added together, and if the resulting number is 0, the reward will not be affected. Whenever the game wants to generate a floor reward item (be it a floor generation chest, a room clear reward chest, a boss reward item, or a shop item) and the result turns out to be an or tier reward, the quality has a chance to be downgraded. It is currently unknown whether or not the magnificence from unopened chests carries over across floors.Opening one of these chests (and only these chests, not any other red or black chests that may have spawned on the floor) decreases chest magnificence by 1.Each red or black chest created during floor generation increases "chest magnificence" by 1.This magnificence counter will carry over to the next floor. The increase is permanent and cannot be removed by dropping, selling, or destroying the item.It will only happen the first time that particular instance of the item is picked up, so it can be dropped and picked up without further increasing magnificence.Picking up any item or gun of or quality increases magnificence by 1.Magnificence is a hidden stat that prevents too many or tier items from being acquired in a single run. These loot tables only affect chest quality chances boss drop chances are no different between loot tables.Ĭhests Gungeons and Draguns Floor These can be switched between in The Breach or title screen in the Gameplay menu of the Options menu. There are two different loot tables within the game, the Original loot table (which was the loot table before the Advanced Gungeons & Draguns update) and the Gungeons and Draguns loot table. Enemy self destruction (e.g.Each floor has a unique distribution of qualities for both chests and bosses, with chances for higher quality items increasing on later floors.Bullets are no longer stopped by torches.Table Tech Rockets and Melted Rock explosions no longer damage players.Continue is now the default title screen option if you have an available midgame save.The Elder Blank is now usable while dodgerolling.Gorgun's scream, Kill Pillar’s circle attack), but this has produced performance gains across the board Optimizations for physics and projectiles the focus was on large bullet attacks (e.g.